Aggression behavior in students of 5th year of secondary school of educational institutions of lima, Peru

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Jesús Dámaso Flores


The research aimed to establish the level of aggression in fifth-year high school students from educational institutions in Lima, Peru. The sample was 274 adolescents aged 15 to 18 years. The Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire was used, adapted to the context, the evidence of content validity was obtained with the Aiken V coefficient (0.80) for each item and dimension and the reliability with the Cronbach Alpha coefficient (0.85). High levels of aggression were found in students (54.8%), with a predominance in men equivalent to 43%, compared to 34% in women. In the dimensions studied, it has been found that students achieved high scores, in verbal aggression (40%), followed by physical aggression and hostility (38%) and finally in anger (37%).

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How to Cite
Dámaso Flores, J. . (2021). Aggression behavior in students of 5th year of secondary school of educational institutions of lima, Peru. Revista científica Quantica, 2(1).