Chilote minifundio. become from an ancient agricultural tenure in a globalizing context (isla quinchao, chile)

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José Marcelo Bravo Sánchez
Ruddy Zúñiga Oeriker
Nicole Fernanda Oyanedel Elgueta


The chilote smallholding from colonial times to the 1980s, remained intact for a long time being part of the most representative imaginary of Chiloé, both for its ways of life and the rural cultural landscape that gave rise to this traditional form of rural exploitation. However, from that decade on, it experienced a series of social, cultural and territorial transformations that continue to take place to this day, as a result of the coming of a new economic model, in which salmon and aquaculture companies are articulated in the Chilote archipelago. An example of this process is what was structured in the rural territory of Quinchao Island. In which, the agricultural property of the smallholding was rapidly modified, a dichotomy in its development became evident, on the one hand, it is presented as an institution in decline, product of the action of the salmon industry, and on the other hand, it appears as a system agrarian modernized by the revaluation of the knowledge, identity and the peasant heritage of Chiloé, complemented with the arrival of new technologies, programs, policies and governmental and international projects; managing to structure a form of survival and territorial restructuring of the chilote smallholding, which allows it to be in line with the new times that occur in this archipelago.

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How to Cite
Bravo Sánchez, J. M. ., Zúñiga Oeriker, R. ., & Oyanedel Elgueta, N. F. . (2021). Chilote minifundio. become from an ancient agricultural tenure in a globalizing context (isla quinchao, chile). Revista científica Quantica, 2(1).